New Associate Editors in the Team


Georgina Csordás joined our Editorial Team in April 2024 as an Associate Editor. Ms. Csordás is a psychologist and her main areas of expertise are meaningful work, basic psychological needs and workplace well-being. She is a full-time assistant lecturer at the Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology at Eszterházy Károly Catholic University (Hungary), and she also teaches at the Psychology Institute of the Pázmány Péter Catholic University (Hungary) as an external lecturer.

Krisztina Kopcsó joined our Editorial Team in April 2024 as an Associate Editor. Dr. Kopcsó is a psychologist and person-centred counsellor and her main areas of expertise are infant and early childhood development and mental health, perinatal psychology, psychometrics. As an editor she will be responsible for screening, managing the review process, and handling manuscripts from submission until publication. Since 2017, she has been working at the Hungarian Demographic Research Institute, in the Cohort ’18 Growing Up in Hungary research project, which is a nationally representative and multidisciplinary birth cohort study. She has taught several courses on developmental psychology, research methodology, scientific communication and statistics at the University of Pécs and the Pázmány Péter Catholic University (Hungary). 


Photo: ID 22698290 © Terry Brooks |