The Association between Parental Religiosity, Stressful Life Events, and Problem Behavior in Pre- Adolescents and Adolescents


  • Willeke van der Jagt-Jelsma
  • Margreet R. de Vries-Schot
  • Helen Klip
  • Patricia A.M. van Deurzen
  • Jan K. Buitelaar

Published 2019-12-10

How to Cite

van der Jagt-Jelsma, W., de Vries-Schot, M. R., Klip, H., van Deurzen, P. A., & Buitelaar, J. K. (2019). The Association between Parental Religiosity, Stressful Life Events, and Problem Behavior in Pre- Adolescents and Adolescents. European Journal of Mental Health, 296–310. Retrieved from