Infancy in 21st Century Hungary: A Project Introduction: Policy, Theoretical and Methodological Framework and Objectives of the First National Representative Parent Survey on Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health


  • Ildikó Danis
  • Veronika Bóné
  • Réka Hegedűs
  • Attila Pilinszki
  • Tünde Szabó
  • Beáta Dávid

Published 2020-12-07

How to Cite

Danis, I., Bóné, V., Hegedűs, R., Pilinszki, A., Szabó, T., & Dávid, B. (2020). Infancy in 21st Century Hungary: A Project Introduction: Policy, Theoretical and Methodological Framework and Objectives of the First National Representative Parent Survey on Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health. European Journal of Mental Health, 111–144. Retrieved from