Children’s Vandalism: The Problem of Upbringing and Interaction with Family


  • Anastasia O. Vylegzhanina Finansovo-jekonomicheskij institut, Tjumenskij gosudarstvennyj universitet; Russia
  • Irina V. Vorobyeva Kafedroj filosofii i akmeologii, Ural’skogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta; Russia
  • Olga V. Kruzhkova
    Department of Philosophy and Acmeology, Institute of Management and Law, Ural State Pedagogical University, Cosmonavtov Av, 26, RU-620017, Ekaterinburg, Russia
  • Maria S. Krivoshchekova Institut inostrannyh jazykov, Ural’skij gosudarstvennyj pedagogicheskij universitet; Russia



vandalism, vandal behaviour, attitude to things, child-s emotional sphere, child-parent relationships, destructive behaviour at primary school age


The study is devoted to the problem of primary school children-s vandalism, and particularly its connection with child-parent relationships on the example of Russian families. We define the main predictors of a child-s vandal activity on the basis of psychological diagnostics of 228 8-9-year-old children and the assessment of the frequency and specifics of their vandal behaviour by their 228 parents. The children are classified into 3 groups by the extent of their propensity for vandalism. The complex analysis identifies personal and emotional factors influencing the frequency of a child-s acts of destruction and transformation of other people-s items, devaluation of their own and others- things including those explained by the covert desire to acquire new items. The research findings confirm a significant role of the parent-child relationships in the formation of the child-s readiness for vandal behaviour. In particular, we prove that limitation of a child-s freedom by excessive strictness and hyper protection aggravates children-s propensity for vandalism.

Published 2017-12-20

How to Cite

Vylegzhanina, A. O., Vorobyeva, I. V., Kruzhkova, O. V., & Krivoshchekova, M. S. (2017). Children’s Vandalism: The Problem of Upbringing and Interaction with Family. European Journal of Mental Health, 12(2), 165–186.