The Association between Parental Religiosity, Stressful Life Events, and Problem Behavior in Pre- Adolescents and Adolescents


  • Willeke Van Der Jagt-Jelsma The
    GGZ Drenthe, Hoogeveen, The Netherlands Dr. G.H. Amshoffweg 3 7909 AA Hoogeveen
  • Margreet R. De Vries-Schot GGZ Christoph, Mental Health Care, Deventer; The Netherlands
  • Helen Klip Karakter Child and Adolescent Psychiatry University Center Nijmegen; The Netherlands
  • Patricia A.m. Van Deurzen Child and Adolescent Psychiatry University Center Nijmegen; The Netherlands;
  • Jan K. Buitelaar Child and Adolescent Psychiatry University Center Nijmegen &  Radboud University Medical Center Nijmegen, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behavior, Department of Cognitive Neuroscience; The Netherlands



internalizing problem behavior, externalizing problem behavior, problem behavior, pre-adolescents, adolescents, religion, religiosity, stressful life events


Objective: To investigate whether religiosity influences exposure to stressful life events (SLEs) and whether religiosity moderates the effects of SLEs, resulting in fewer problem behaviors.

Method: The self-reported mental health problems of a community-based longitudinal sample of pre-adolescents (n = 2230) in the three northern provinces of the Netherlands were assessed in early adolescence (12-15 years, Youth Self-Report, YSR) and in adolescence (18-21 years, Adult Self Report ASR). The sum scores for SLEs in early adolescence were based on the previous two years. The variable parental religiosity was based on information obtained in pre-adolescence (10-12 years). Associations between religiosity and SLEs and whether parental religiosity is a moderator between SLEs and problem behaviors were studied, using repeated measures ANOVAs.

Results: Having actively religious parents was associated with fewer SLEs. Parental religiosity did not moderate the association between SLEs and problem behavior. Conclusions: The children of actively religious parents experienced fewer SLEs in pre-adolescence than did the children of non-religious parents or the children of parents with incompatible religious beliefs, but parental religiosity did not moderate the effects of SLEs on problem behaviors. Reasons for the absence of a religious coping effect are discussed.

Published 2019-12-10

How to Cite

Van Der Jagt-Jelsma, W., De Vries-Schot, M. R., Klip, H., Van Deurzen, P. A., & Buitelaar, J. K. (2019). The Association between Parental Religiosity, Stressful Life Events, and Problem Behavior in Pre- Adolescents and Adolescents. European Journal of Mental Health, 14(2), 296–310.