Auf dem Weg der Integration: Vorstellung einer gegenwärtig laufenden empirischen Untersuchung von Langzeitarbeitslosen


  • Attila Pilinszky
    Institute of Mental Health Semmelweis University Nagyvárad tér 4., 19.em. H-1089 Budapest Hungary
  • Zsuzsanna Ládonyi Semmelweis Egyetem, EKK, Mentálhigiéné Intézet; Hungary



unemployment, integration/‘disaffiliation’, assistance, social work, Hungary


On the Road to Integration: Introducing an Empirical Study in Progress Examining Longterm Unemployed People: The aim of the paper is to study the integration of the long-term unemployed into society. In recent years assistance provided to long-term unemployed in Hungary has changed several times. One of the major changes is that social work plays a more significant role in helping the client group; however, the profession also needs to be prepared for this. Social institutions face new challenges in dealing with the large number of the long-term unemployed people. The report briefly describes research hypotheses and the study sample. Over the course of the study people in a Budapest district receiving regular social assistance are examined in the dimensions of their relation to the world of employment and ‘disaffiliation’.

Published 2008-06-20

How to Cite

Pilinszky, A., & Ládonyi, Z. (2008). Auf dem Weg der Integration: Vorstellung einer gegenwärtig laufenden empirischen Untersuchung von Langzeitarbeitslosen. European Journal of Mental Health, 3(1), 105–115.