Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Family System: Possible Positive and Detrimental Effects on Parenting, Communication and Family Dynamics

This publication is part of the 2025 SPECIAL COMPILATION on “Family Therapy and Family Studies in Supporting Mental Health”.




AI literacy, artificial intelligence, family communication, family dynamics, parenting


Introduction: This perspective article reflects on how innovative technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI) systems like smart voice agents and chatbots, may transform family dynamics and communication. Despite the extensive research on AI’s impact in mental healthcare and education, its influence on family systems remains underexplored. This perspective article aims to draw attention to the possible positive and detrimental effects of using AI in families, highlighting the necessity of fostering AI literacy in this setting.

Areas covered: The article delves into integrating AI within family therapy models, focusing on how AI redefines family boundaries, roles, communication, rituals, and narrative creation. It explores AI’s potential to enhance parent training programs and its impact on children’s social and cognitive development.

Expert opinion: AI presents both opportunities and challenges for family systems. It can enhance communication, support role negotiation, and promote family cohesion, but it also raises ethical and privacy concerns. The balance between utilizing AI to support family values and avoiding the detrimental effects of over-reliance is crucial.

Conclusion: Integrating AI into family systems offers significant potential benefits, but it must be managed carefully to ensure it aligns with family values and strengthens family bonds. Fostering AI literacy within families is essential to navigate the complexities and harness the advantages of AI technologies.


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Published 2025-03-14

How to Cite

Szondy, M. B., & Magyary, Ágnes. (2025). Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Family System: Possible Positive and Detrimental Effects on Parenting, Communication and Family Dynamics. European Journal of Mental Health, 20, e0038, 1–8.