Zum Stand der Selbsthilfe in Deutschland – unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Sucht-Selbsthilfe


  • Jürgen Matzat Juergen.Matzat@psycho.med.uni-giessen.de
    Kontaktstelle für Selbsthilfegruppen der Deutschen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Selbsthilfegruppen e. V. Friedrichstr. 33 D-35392 Gießen Deutschland




self-help group, self-help organisation, self-help clearinghouse, addiction, volunteerism, research, legislation


The Present State of Self-Help in Germany – with Special Regard to Addiction Self-Help: This article presents the self-help scenery in Germany, which is unique in Europe. It deals with the dissemination of self-help groups and organisations, their various ways of proceedings, and their political influence. Different types of self-help groupings are described (12-steps-groups, psychologico-therapeutic talking-groups, and self-help organisations of chronically ill and handicapped persons). Special attention is given to self-help groups of addicted persons. In Germany only a small part of them are Alcoholics Anonymous. Beyond that a variety of other self-help groups devoted to abstinence of their members exist, in many cases attached to welfare organisations of the Catholic or Protestant Church. A specific factor in self-help groups for addicted persons is the possible recovery from the disease, which is not the case in self-help groups of chronically ill and handicapped persons. Finally the article presents some ideas about possible causes for the self-help movement, which developed over the last two or three decades, particularly in highly industrialised countries of Central, Western and Northern Europe. Some milestones along the German way to self-help are mentioned: the important role of research(ers), the support by state’s legislation, and finally the obligation of Germany’s statutory health insurance to support self-help financially.

Published 2009-06-26

How to Cite

Matzat, J. (2009). Zum Stand der Selbsthilfe in Deutschland – unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Sucht-Selbsthilfe. European Journal of Mental Health, 4(1), 101–114. https://doi.org/10.1556/EJMH.4.2009.1.6