Systemtheoretische Überlegungen zur Situation der Gefängnisseelsorger im System „Gefängnis”


  • Gyula Kaszó
    Károli Gáspár Universität der Ungarischen Reformierten Kirche und Deutschsprachige Evangelisch-reformierte Gemeinde Lehrstuhl für Religionspädagogik und Pastoralpsychologie der Theologischen Fakultät Ráday u. 28, IV/1 H-1092 Budapest Ungarn



Gefängnis, Gefängnisseelsorge, Gefängnisseelsorger, Identität, System, Systemtheorie


The Pastoral Counsellor at Work in the Prison: System Theory Considerations: Pastoral counsellors working in penal institutions try to fulfil their function within a problem – and conflict – laden composite system. To gain comprehensive insight into the nature of the issue, a system theory approach is used to map the nature of challenges addressed by the prison (as system) to those who take pastoral care in penal institutions (in Hungary). The prison pastoral counsellor is, by necessity, a part of two different complex systems. In this context, he must develop a communication system of his own, which allows him to be interactive in two ways, that is, to move consciously and dynamically between ‘Church’ and ‘Law Enforcement’ as Systems. Recognising and employing possibilities offered by dynamic interaction may contribute to the conscious shaping of pastoral counsellor identity.

Published 2006-12-10

How to Cite

Kaszó, G. (2006). Systemtheoretische Überlegungen zur Situation der Gefängnisseelsorger im System „Gefängnis”. European Journal of Mental Health, 1(1-2), 91–108.